Accidental Fire at Dajabon Border Market Destroys Several Trading Post Booths

DAJABĂ“N, Dominican Republic.- An accident that occurred at noon today voraciously destroyed several commercial stalls in the border market of this town. 

The existing security in relation to the metallic structures of each business made it impossible to see the fire department, having to use axes, picks, knobs and other utensils to break and suffocate it.

The rapid action of the firefighters of this municipality and the support that was given to them by units from Loma de Cabrera and Montecristi were able to control the fire that was quickly transported from store to store.

A large crowd gathered at the scene, some with the aim of helping, while others with the aim of stealing various items for which members of the Specialized Body for Land Border Security (CESFRONT) were under surveillance.

The fire occurs minutes after the mayor's office delivered a tanker truck to the Fire Department for rapid filling of the pump truck.

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