Abel Martínez will meet with municipal and provincial leaders of Dajabón this Sunday

Santo Domingo.- The presidential candidate of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Abel Martínez, will carry out this Sunday a tour of municipalities in the Dajabón province, where he will share with municipal leaders, businessmen and community members of the region.

Activities begin at 9:00 a.m. with a breakfast in the Manuel Bueno municipal district, in the house of the municipal president of Loma de Cabrera, Gregorio Reyes Castillo (GOYO), who is integrated supporting the presidential project of Martínez. Later, at 10:30 a.m., the candidate will hold a meeting with the purple leadership of the municipalities of El Pino and Partido, at the home of Bernardo Castillo, municipal president of the Partido.

Abel Martínez will also attend a lunch with businessmen and merchants from the region, to later lead a large assembly in support of his candidacy scheduled for 3:00 pm, at the El Ensueño Dajabonero Club, with the purpose of listening to concerns and continuing to add wills in the work that it has been developing aimed at strengthening the PLD, adding external sectors of relevant incidence throughout the country, through its presidential candidacy for the 2024 elections.

Read more news: https://news.dajabon.net


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